Benefits for Workers Injured in Rhode Island

Rhode Island law offers various benefits to injured workers. These benefits include weekly compensation for disability, typically amounting to about 75% of their pre-injury take-home pay. Even if workers return to light duty, they may still receive compensation for any income loss. Total disability benefits have no time limit, while partial disability benefits are usually limited to six years, with exceptions. 

Injured workers can choose their own doctor, with all medical expenses covered. Vocational rehabilitation is available for those permanently disabled, paid for by the insurance company. Compensation is provided for scars, disfigurements, and permanent loss of body part use, in addition to weekly checks. Injured workers generally have the right to return to their jobs, with certain limitations.

Filing a Rhode Island Workers’ Compensation Claim

While it would be nice if these workers’ compensation benefits kicked in automatically, injured restaurant workers must take the following steps before receiving compensation:

Report Your Injury

If you're injured at work, alert your employer right away. They'll start the workers' comp benefits process by filing a claim with their insurance company. Employers with at least one employee must have workers' comp insurance

Seek Medical Attention

If you’ve suffered a serious injury at work, call an ambulance. If you can make it to the doctor on your own, do so as soon as possible – you want to document your injuries and ensure you’re not overlooking any potential damage.

Document Your Injuries

If you can, jot down what happened during your workplace accident, how you got injured, and your recovery progress. Keep track of your pain, including if it shows up later. Hold onto any paperwork from your doctor's visit and list any medications you take. Keep records of any additional medical procedures or treatments you have, like surgeries or therapy.

Speak with an Attorney Before Talking to the Insurance Company

If your employer's insurance company or a representative offers compensation, it's best to say you want to talk to a lawyer before agreeing. Don't sign anything you don't fully understand unless it's a form necessary for getting medical treatment.

When you enlist the help of an experienced Rhode Island workers’ compensation lawyer, you're getting a dedicated legal ally who will fight to safeguard your rights and interests. While your employer's insurance company and the company itself prioritize their own concerns, you deserve someone who advocates for you. Our workplace injury attorney will help protect your legal rights and advise you on your responsibilities, as well as those of your employer's insurance company. 

Christopher L. Russo
Helping Rhode Island personal injury victims for nearly three decades to get the compensation they deserve.