Dog Bite Settlement for the Second Generation of Our Client’s Family
Our attorneys regularly keep in touch with past clients, staying informed of their conditions and daily lives to ensure they have not experienced any bumps along the road to recovery. During one casual conversation with a former motor vehicle accident client and his wife, we were informed that their daughter was going through some tough times. She had recently been bitten by a dog but didn’t want to make a big deal out of it or get anyone in trouble. Our attorney Christopher Russo suggested the parents look into the incident for the sake of their daughter. That meeting lead to a settlement that would support the girl in her later life.
The Dog Bite Caused Physical and Emotional Injuries
On December 21, 2017, 11-year-old Cadance Fagan was attending a cheerleading class at New England Tumble Force when she was invited to pet a dog that had been allowed on the premises. When she approached, Cadance was bitten by the dog on her nose and hand and was taken to Hasbro Children’s Hospital for emergency treatment. Cadance received X-rays and wound care for her hand and required sedation and sutures to treat the wounds on her face.
Although Cadance’s injuries healed over the next two years, there was still a visible scar on her nose. Cadance told her parents she was self-conscious about the scar and, ultimately, quit cheerleading. As she was still athletic and very interested in team sports, she chose to play softball instead, telling her parents that small scars were more acceptable on athletes than cheerleaders. In addition to affecting her physically, Cadance told her parents the incident has made her afraid of big dogs, and she now leaves a room to avoid them—something that was not a problem before being bitten.
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