For example, workers may pursue a third-party claim against:

  • A driver of a vehicle (not employed by the same employer) who caused a car accident
  • A general contractor or sub-contractor responsible for a construction site injury
  • A company who manufactured a defective piece of equipment
  • An engineer or designer who created hazardous machinery or working conditions
  • Property owners who allowed a dangerous condition to exist on their premises
  • Maintenance companies who failed to adhere to cleanliness or safety standards

It is important to note that workers may have to pay the employees’ compensation insurer back if they recover damages from a negligent third party. A successful negligence claim often includes payment for lost earnings and medical expenses, as well as pain and suffering, and employees who have already been paid for some of these costs through workers’ compensation can be ordered to reimburse the insurer. This prevents claimants from being paid twice for the same losses and allows the third party to be held liable for the full costs of the accident.


Christopher L. Russo
Helping Rhode Island personal injury victims for nearly three decades to get the compensation they deserve.