If you would like to use a credit card or PayPal account to pay for legal services at Kirshenbaum and Kirshenbaum, we urge to investigate the PayPal option, and if possible, complete the requirements for establishing an account prior to incurring any payment obligations.
Payment Services We Accept
PayPal is used by over 25 million people worldwide to make secure and confidential online purchases and payments.
Establishing a personal PayPal account is free and simple to do. Once in place this account can be used to pay for Kirshenbaum and Kirshenbaum legal services as well as make purchases on thousands of websites. To establish an account simply go to www.paypal.com and click "Sign up for your FREE PayPal account." You will be asked to answer a few questions to verify your identity and to confirm that identity using your bank account as a reference. There is a spending limit of $2000.00 until such time as your new account is verified, which typically takes 2 to 4 business days. Verification consists of PayPal sending 2 payments to your bank account. When you determine the actual amount of those payments, simply log into PayPal and confirm the amount to activate your account and remove the $2000.00 limit.