Video Transcript
I was recommended to the firm of Kirshenbaum & Kirshenbaum and specifically to Mr. Christopher Russo by a family member who had a good experience here.
I was involved in an automobile accident. A drunk driver passed out at the wheel and door-sided our van. He was arrested and he got a few charges against him. I had injuries to my right leg. I got the recommendation to Kirshenbaum. I came in and saw Chris.
I had half a dozen individuals involved in my healthcare and two insurance companies to deal with. The firm kept everything organized and in-line from the beginning to the end. Lots of questions, lots of people involved. All the questions were answered, all the answers were documented, and a fair and equitable settlement was reached quickly.
I found the staff incredibly efficient and everything they did. Sometimes the efficiency could be tedious because we repeated to be sure, and repeated to be sure, and there were multiple people to talk to. So the answers all had to be right, the same every time, and verified, and they always were. It was very nice to work with professionals. Of course, there’s no question that the young lady who handles the booking, all the scheduling, getting me a cup of coffee, and just taking care of me and making me feel comfortable while I was here did a fantastic job and I’m sure she is quite indispensable in that position.