Must pay judgment amounts and interest even if they are above policy limits.

If the victim is awarded damages in court that are over policy limits, the insurance company is liable for the entire judgment, with interest.

Do not have to engage in bad faith in order to be liable for extra damages.

Insurers can still be responsible for damages over policy limits if they acted in good faith, if a judge or jury disagrees with the insurer’s assessment of the value of the claim. Family members also do not have to prove bad faith in obtain extra-contractual damages.

This ruling is vital for the benefit of victims with low policy limits who suffered significant wrongful death damages in the form of lost wages, medical bills, and pain and suffering. It also gives insurance companies an incentive to avoid going to court in case the jury awards high pain and suffering damages.


Christopher L. Russo
Helping Rhode Island personal injury victims for nearly three decades to get the compensation they deserve.
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